
We Who Served

WeWhoServed.com is a unique advertising idea that helps business owners, their customers and veterans.  One key tag works across multiple businesses who join. If you get your discount key tag at your favorite restaurant you can also use it at any other participating business.

Customer Loyalty

Most of us use a discount key tag or card at our grocery store, pharmacy etc. Why do customers love them? It gives them discounts. Why do grocery stores and others participate? It creates customer loyalty!

How Much Does It Cost?

It works out to zero with a profit of at least double the cost of joining. 500 key tags can be purchased for $500 and businesses ask customers to donate $2 for the key tag. Business doubles their money immediately and consumers get discounts on future purchases.

It Is A No-Brainer

We talked about this with business owners and customers. Everyone agrees this brand new idea is a No-Brainer. Profits help veterans and customers remain loyal to participating businesses. No need for a business to spend thousands on advertising. After the key tags are purchased a business remains online for a small annual fee.

Business owners click here to Register your business today!

Example Card

Example of the We Who Served Discount Key Tag